Gifted Enrichment
Welcome to Gifted Enrichment for Peirce Middle School
6th, 7th and 8th Grades
Gifted Enrichment homework is only to complete missed classwork and turn in all forms and projects by Module of study
Project Management for Middle School Enrichment Studies
What Does Gifted Enrichment Look Like at Middle School?
The WCASD Middle School Gifted Education Enrichment Program supports individualized instructional programs tailored to fit the needs of each identified gifted student. Students can select from a range of courses. The Middle School Gifted Program also engages students in seminars, field trips, regional competitions, independent study, and guest speaker events. All these offerings serve as extensions to the regular education curriculum and operate as pull-out courses.
Self-selected Modules:
Communication + Flexibility:
- Students select courses by their interests and strengths
- Courses progress on Level I, II and III becoming more individualized and specific as students delve deeper into a subject.
- Students may continue or move on to a new interest at the end of the module.
- Students are encouraged to work in small groups on self-selected topics to develop ideas through effective collaboration. Culminating projects are shared to solidify the learning and benefit groups within the learning community.
- Enrichment classes meet 2 or more times in a 6 day cycle
- Classes typically meet for one period
- Sometimes, when preparing for a competition or performance, additional practices/meetings may be needed
- Schedules are structured to rotate so that students will usually not miss the same class more than two times during any month
- Students can check the schedule on Schoology and/or get a printed out copy from the enrichment room
- Communication and Flexibility are key to all that we accomplish in Enrichment
- Students should let an Enrichment teacher know if they cannot make a scheduled class by stopping in or via email/Schoology
- To change enrichment course selection, students should communicate with an enrichment teacher as soon as possible
- Students should also communicate with general education teachers about missed classes and assignments
- Students will have the time to think and collaborate during school
- Topics of high interest and passion will be explored
- Students will share their findings with peers of similar interest and ability
- Often there are awards and recognition that come with excellence in Enrichment competitions or projects
Let's have a great year!